
Tensorflow Nodejs vs Tensorflow Flask - a performance comparison

 Tensorflow Nodejs vs Tensorflow Flask - a performance comparison One of those guys who wants to run his own servers , rather than use tfserving etc. Learnings: 1. Performance in web api servers is a double edge sword - software efficiency can burn hardware (CPU and RAM) when there are bursts from clients [Learnt about express rate limit library later, which was added on top of pm2 memory limit] 2. Arm 64 and install issues continues (earlier had isses with chrome, chromedrivers, selenium and now tensorflow) - seriously rethinking should I stick to x86 win wsl for my development laptop also :-)). The cheaper and more available t4g instances are out and aws throws out my spot instances frequently 3. The ability to handle load and backlog (i.e. bursts from clients) has gone up incredibly! I feel close to 2X-4X is the improvement The cost is not very different, as I am forced into a larger machine - Maybe all the effort was worth only to know this.

F# to C# and back

I love F#. It was my first language in the dotnet ecosystem coming from Python As an amateur hobby programmer, I read an article saying that I must learn an OOP language like Java or C# (Peter Norvig - Learn programming in 10 years). Given that I had used several C# based libraries in F#, I thought of learning C# (Did Moshs excellent courses - all three of them in Udemy on C#) My experiences 1. My natural focus seems to be on verbs and data separately when I listen to instructions - "do this, then do that with the result," As I had been programming in python functions - transforming from input arguments to outputs. Forcing myself to think classes and then most of the functions in static classes with pseudo nouns didn't make sense and pulled me away from the requirements [All the railway-oriented programming etc did not bias me as I saw them after the experience] 2. After running "async await run synchronously sequential and parallel" - C# async and await seemed ...

2023 Books

 2023 Books Amar Chithra Katha - Ramayana  Bala Kanda - 12 Jan 2023

2022 Books

 2022 Books (3) Awesome priinciples 26 Jul 22 Wealth - Leverage - Labor and Capital - Permission, Software and media permissionless, Unique Skills, Wealth is assets that earn when you sleep 03 Sep 22 - Accept yourself - Have confidence in others - Treat as comrades - not competition All problems are interpersonal - Have courage to do as you want - not conform or fear what others will think Being useful to society in larger sense is the goal of life - Sometimes just being there is useful 5 Oct 2022 Soso